
Contact Lens Risk Survey (CLRS)

User Agreement | March 2020; Version 1.0

The CLAY study group grants permission to use the Contact Lens Risk Survey (CLRS) in accordance with the following conditions which shall be assumed to have been agreed to as a consequence of accepting and using the survey:

  1. Although we do not recommend it, changes to the CLRS may be made without the written permission of the CLAY Study Group. Any changes must be clearly identified and reported in any publications using the survey.
  2. The users of the CLRS accept full responsibility, and agree to hold CLAY harmless, for the accuracy of any translations of the CLRS into another language and for any errors, omissions, misinterpretations, or consequences thereof.
  3. The users of the CLRS will give credit (acknowledgement) in any publications reporting on results obtained using the CLRS instrument. The users shall acknowledge that it was developed by the CLAY study group with the support of Alcon Laboratories. The user shall also cite the appropriate development work as listed below. Users should also check the CLAY web site (www.claystudy.org) for updates to recommended citations.

Current Citation:
Mitchell GL, Richdale K, Lam D, Wagner H, Kinoshita B, Zimmerman A, Sorbara L, Rosner M. Development of a Contact Lens Risk Survey. Submitted to Ophthalmic Epidemiology on March 16, 2020.

Instructions for Proper Use and Scoring of the CLRS

The CLRS was designed as an electronic survey and incorporates branching logic and photos to help participants identify contact lens and lens care brands. A paper version may be used but should also follow the branching logic. The contact lens and lens care brand options are based on those most commonly used in North America and may not be applicable to sites outside North America. The survey has been validated for use in patients 12 - 33 years of age who wear soft contact lenses.

The following instructions may be used when giving the survey: The CLRS is a survey about how you wear and care for your contact lenses and other environmental or behavioral factors that may affect your risk of experiencing a contact lens complication. Please take as much time as you need to answer each question. Please try to answer every question. Answer the questions by marking the box corresponding to your response. If you are unsure of how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can. If you have any questions, you should ask the person who gave you the survey.

The CLRS score ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores representing greater risk for a corneal inflammatory event or what patients may perceive as a symptomatic contact lens-related “red eye”.